Little Step No. 77

Step No.77


What to do:

Open the window.



Why this step works:

Today the sun was shining and I opened the window in my office.  My attention was immediately drawn to the chorus of birdsong that breezed happily through. As I listened to this feathered orchestra, I quickly noticed something. The same something that I have noticed many times before. I instantly felt more relaxed; like the dial on my nervous system thermostat had just been turned down a notch or two.

Finding ways to bring more of this type of calm into each day is something I frequently talk about with my clients. Your nervous system has two main states: the sympathetic or ‘fight or flight’ state and the parasympathetic or ‘rest and digest’ state. Optimal health depends on spending plenty of time in the ‘rest and digest’ state. Yet fast-paced 21st century lifestyles mean that many people get stuck in the ‘fight or flight’ state. Not only does this not feel particularly nice; being stuck in this state has negative health effects over time too. 

When I’m working with clients to support this balance, my main focus is usually on helping them to put in place diet and lifestyle steps to help engage more of the 'rest and digest' state throughout each day. When I opened the window and noticed feeling more relaxed this morning, I started to wonder whether this simple action could be a useful one of those steps?

I was keen to explore this further and it didn’t take me very long to find that the links between listening to birdsong and improved wellbeing are actually well established. I learned that the “acoustic environment of residential areas is critical to the health of the residents”.1 I also learned that birds stop singing when there are dangerous predators around. Perhaps birdsong signals ‘safety’ to our subconscious and this is why we have evolved to feel safe and relaxed when we hear it.  Fascinated, I continued to dig and even found that large-scale research studies have demonstrated significant mental health and wellbeing benefits of listening to birdsong.2,3  Pretty remarkable I think. 

So this week’s little step is the simplest nudge, to ‘open the window’. And if you can’t hear birdsong when you do, there’s always somewhere you can go to find it. You might need to go for a walk or visit a local park, but it’s there. 

I love this step because it doesn't cost anything and requires little effort. All you need to do is notice; the rest will take care of itself. 

"Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better"

Albert Einstein

Hope you enjoy this little step. I know I really shouldn’t have favourites, but this is one of them.


1. Cui P, Li T, et al. Research on the effects of soundscapes on human psychological health in an old community of a cold region. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jun 12;19(12):7212

2. Hammoud R, Tognin S, et al. Smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment reveals mental health benefits of birdlife. Scientific Reports 12, Published 27 October 2022

3. Stobbe E, Sundermann J, et al. Birdsongs alleviate anxiety and paranoia in healthy participants. Scientific Reports 12, Published 13 October 2022