Rachel Bartholomew

Content Creation

Many people feel bombarded by health information. Their inboxes are overwhelmed and they are unsure which sources to trust.

I’m driven to change this by creating health content that has a clear purpose, is genuinely useful and grounded in scientific integrity.




How can I help you?

I create bespoke content for a small number of individuals and businesses with similar values. You might be a complementary healthcare clinic or spa, a functional testing company or even an innovative healthy food brand.

I love variety and am always open to discussing a new project.
Getting in touch for an informal chat is a great first step.


Examples of bespoke content I create:

  • Newsletter creation

  • Scientific research review articles

  • Magazine articles

  • Infographics

  • Client handouts

  • Health programmes & questionnaires

…scroll down for examples


What happens next?

Once we have decided to work together, I begin by really getting to know you and your business; taking the time to understand what you stand for, your core values, and the relationship you want to develop with your customers.

Next we identify what you want to achieve from creating new content and decide how this is best delivered according to your budget. The whole process is very much a collaboration, and it is only from this place of understanding that I can produce the very best content for you.

I believe strongly that good graphic design and photography will complement well-crafted content and often work closely with designers where projects require this additional input.




Content Creation Examples


Client Testimonial

“I have worked with Rachel for many years now, first employing her as a Nutritional Therapy student back in 2002 to help write our technical support materials and advise healthcare practitioners here at Nutri Advanced.Since those early days, Rachel has gone on to have a family, build a successful nutrition practice and write a book, all whilst continuing to contribute to our education programme, and providing expert content for our newsletters and website.

She has a tremendous passion for nutrition which comes across in her writing, and her unique ability to communicate at all levels – from expert to novice – means she can make incredibly complex information easy to understand and entertaining to read. Rachel is a true professional and a valued member of the team and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her.”

Katherine Pardo BSc (Hons) Dip ION
Head of Nutrition & Education at Nutri Advanced