Little Step No. 30

Step No.30


What to do:

Add organic grass fed whey protein to a smoothie.



Why this step works:

Last week’s Little Step was simply to get to know glutathione – an incredible substance produced inside your body that helps to support your health by protecting against harmful free radicals. If you missed it, you can re-visit Little Step No 29 here. Whilst it’s important to know what glutathione is, the next step is to know what you can do to help your body to make this miraculous substance. And just like you can’t make a meal if you don’t have any ingredients; your body can’t make glutathione if you don’t supply it with the right building blocks.

The building blocks to make glutathione come from protein foods, and one type of protein that’s particularly helpful for supplying these is organic grass fed whey protein. The quality of whey protein you choose is absolutely crucial here as there’s lots of not so great products out there. Check that the product you’re buying is organic, from grass fed cows and doesn’t contain any sweeteners or nasties.

I like to add a spoonful of organic grass fed whey protein to a smoothie, especially if that’s all I'm having for breakfast for that day.  And this is particularly helpful if you’re exercising regularly, recovering from illness or injury or going through a very busy or stressful patch. This is because during times of extra pressure or increased energy or recovery demands you’ll need to rely on glutathione even more.  It’s important then to make sure your body is provided with a good supply of ingredients to make it.  My favourite source for organic grass fed whey protein is the Organic Protein Company.

And here’s a simple smoothie recipe to get you started

You will need:

  • 75g organic frozen berries (any mix of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries.

  • 2 tablespoons natural full fat live yoghurt or kefir

  • 10g (heaped dessertspoon) unsweetened organic grass fed whey protein powder

  • 200ml whole milk / oat milk / almond milk

  • Small handful fresh baby spinach

  • Small handful ice cubes


  1. Place all ingredients in a high powered blender, blend thoroughly and serve.

Sit back and enjoy the fruity taste of this delicious smoothie, and then give yourself a well-earned pat on the back for doing something super positive to support the production of one of the most important substances your body makes x 

P.S. There are other foods that can help to support glutathione production too, so don’t worry if you can’t tolerate dairy foods, I'll be sharing some alternative ideas in the weeks to come.