Little Step No. 20
What to do:
Think FLO for Vitamin C
Why this step works:
The more I research vitamin C, the more incredible I realise this powerful little vitamin actually is!
First up - It’s essential, this means we can’t make it and must get it from our diets.
Second - You probably know vitamin C is important for immune health but did you know it’s also essential for energy production, DNA protection, gene regulation, helps us to deal with stress, protects cardiovascular health, helps the body to process oestrogen safely, supports mood, works as an antioxidant, is needed for collagen production (think hair, skin, nails, bones and basically every tissue in the human body) and so much more?
The best sources of vitamin C are fruits & vegetables - kiwi fruit, berries, bell peppers, citrus fruits, papaya, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and cantaloupe melon are particularly rich sources.
Think FLO (FRESH, LITTLE & OFTEN) to help you get the most benefit from vitamin C foods:
FRESH – The vitamin C content of food degrades quickly over time so the longer you leave fruit and veg before eating, the less vitamin C they will contain. Don't leave fruit and veg loitering in the fridge or fruit bowl for too long; eat them as fresh as possible. Locally grown and seasonal helps this too - a shorter journey from picked to plate usually means a higher vitamin C content for you.
LITTLE & OFTEN - Vitamin C is processed fairly quickly in the body and any that isn’t needed is eliminated through urine. In simple terms this means it’s not a vitamin that you can take a big dose of once a week, instead you need a consistent regular intake of fruit & veg. And if you’re dealing with illness, injury or infection, going through a particularly stressful time or have increased energy demands, you'll likely use vitamin C more quickly and may need to increase your dietary intake.
When you take little steps like this to maximise the nutrients in your food, your food can then do a much better job of maximising your health. What a lovely win-win.